
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021


My summer vacations are usually boring and I only dedicate myself to work, but in my free time I go to my mother, she lives near La Unión, a small town between Valdivia and Osorno, but in the countryside, in the middle of a forest. When it is hot, we walk 2 kilometers and reach the river, it is beautiful and all natural without the intervention of man. Once a year, usually for the new year, we all (my brothers and nephews) get together at my mother's house to vacation. We drink, eat, laugh, play, go fishing, exploring and swimming as a family. I think of summer vacation and only a family photo in the country comes to mind, but if I could go where I wanted before I died, I would like to go to Russia in winter. It must be very cold, but it must be very nice to see all white. The famous St. Basil's Cathedral with snow, looks like a real palace from a fairy tale. In general the architecture of Moscow is complex and majestic, this makes it a very touristy place. I would like to trav

My cat

  This time I’m going to write about my faithful companion, my cat. My cat is called Hobbes Dimitri Vladimir Vladivostok, his name is very long and powerful, but I did not choose it, so we all call them only Hobbes. He is 7 years old, the first 2 years of his life he was with my sister (she chose the long and powerful name hahaha) and then because of space problems he got to with me and never left again. It is the most tender cat that exists, it has never scratched anyone. All the mornings wake me up to open the bed and sleep next to me. He understands by his name and comes when they call him by his name, he looks like a dog instead of a cat. He is fear of moths and is very bad at fly hunting. Once he took him to the field, expecting him to play, but he only to sleep next to the woodstove. He is fear of moths, but with dogs the story is different, my dad has 3 dogs at home, they are littles and sleep with my younger sister, but in the holidays, the dogs must go to the yard, bec

I don't know

In my academic plans I am to finish my degree early, then work some time to save money, because like many people the money is not enough for me to continue studying immediately. I would like to do a post-graduate degree in archaeology in Chile, I feel that it is a part of anthropology that complements physical anthropology very well and I really like Chilean archaeology, so I would not think about doing it anywhere else. To continue in my area, which is physical anthropology, I must go abroad, because in Chile there are no post graduate degrees of that. I have thought about going to Mexico to study, but as always money is an obstacle, I will have to work hard to achieve it, but I do not lose hope. Working in museums also catches my attention, but it would be one of my last options, to do it well I should take courses in social anthropology, to be able to bring the magic of museums to people and make them want to get closer too. However, even though I have many plans, all my plans are