Corpses and bones

In the present, I'm in the fourth year of physical anthropology, enter the career thinking that I wanted to be part of the PDI and be a forensic anthropologist, over the years, my goals changed, now I like more the bioarchaeology and working with living populations I also like it a lot.

In the future, I would like to work for northern Chile, visit and participate in excavations, study of mummies typical of Chile, which are also the oldest in the world, the mummies "Chinchorro". 

Archaeology also I like, it is a vital support to be able to understand the ways of life of populations that not exist today. I would like to study archaeology, so that complement physical anthropology. 

When I think about work, I just imagine outdoors dig up bones and then studying them, but dig up I have to be an archaeologist,  then for now I can only think about working in the morgue or a lab with corpses and bones, what archaeologists can bring me. Working in museums would also be great.

If I think about money, I just want to be paid enough to be able to live, I don't aspire to have millions, because if I get to work on what I want, money will be a secondary thing in life, because I would be doing something I really love and would be happy. 


  1. it sounds quite interesting the physical anthropology and the study of what was our past to understand the present.

  2. I hope you get your dream work, it's sad that such a beautiful career like anthropology is not valued as it should :(

  3. I believe that anthropology is fundamental to understand ourselves as the humans that we are now. I hope you can achieve your dream


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