Much changes

 Personally, there are many things that I would change in the race. Starting with the curriculum, in the specialty of physical anthropology there are very few practical, doing it difficult to learn about bone structure and morphology in detail. The first two years were of a common plan, they would teach us subjects from the three specialties, but practically it was almost all social, the students what wanted archeology and physical anthropology were not considered.

The FACSO facilities have improved over time, but there is still much work to be done. The part where the collections are located are not well organized, lack space and order, because very few people work for that area. There is a lack of resources to improve the green areas of the faculty, we have to go to eat at Arts, because it is prettier and less dark to eat.

Technology is limited, many tools are missing, which is noticeable when working with bones or archaeological material. The teaching method is very theoretical, they don’t have the practical, it is made for social students.

The academic load is very variable. There are matters where the academic load is very high and others where it is not so high, there is no balance between the subjects. The duration of the degree good to me, 5 years is enough to learn about something, but you could get more out of it. I have had several subjects that are… garbage… that are useless and that are literally just filler in the resume.


  1. I hadn't thought about all the problems that physical anthropology could have. I really hope the facilities get improve soon.

  2. It is very sad to know that they have few resources to study. I hope they can be solved soon.

  3. I think in my career (sociology) the teaching is very theoretical, I can imagine the complications in a career like yours, which requires a lot of practical work, I hope that changes soon

  4. I am very sorry that you have few resources in your career, I hope this situation will change sooner rather than later.

  5. The filler subjects sucks, I completely feel you colleague :(


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