My English


Learning English at university has been complicated, the academic load in the other subjects makes the attention I put to English less and less. I try to practice talking to my best friend, but I don't see many results hahaha. The use of blog can be very beneficial, but it makes it possible to fall into the use of translator and only write to meet, not to learn. I must admit that several times I have used the translator :(.

The aspects that I must improve, is the writing and speaking. More writing than talking. I can read in English and understand what they tell me (sometimes xD). I've been told that my pronunciation is good, but I just feel like I speak without the "r", which nothing else changes. However, my English when I entered university was very poor compared to the one I have now. I think reading so many texts and books in English, with terrible resolution, has made me learn something.

For the better, I plan to keep reading my university stuff without translating it (pasting paragraph by paragraph into the translator is very slow ><) and will keep trying to set up conversations in English.

In my day to day, English is something very present, there are almost no texts of my career in Spanish T_T and the teachers always tell us that to be a good physical anthropologist you have to go to study in countries where they speak English.

Hopefully one day I will have fluent English, but I don't have much hope being honest. Languages are not my forte.


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